$10K to $100 Million in Product Sales With Michael Gonzalez by Rudy Mawer

$10K to $100 Million in Product Sales With Michael Gonzalez

from Living The Red Life

by Rudy Mawer

Published: Mon Mar 13 2023

Show Notes

How do you take your last $10K and turn it into $100 million in product sales? You start a detox tea company just when Instagram is blowing up, and you ride the red wave of success all the way to the top! Today’s guest is the GOAT of Instagram marketing, FitTea Founder (now exited) and now the Tea CEO, Michael Gonzalez.

Michael is in the hot seat beside our man in red, Rudy Mawer, and they’re reflecting on the value of growing a business alongside a personal brand in this modern age of social media. A time when you can drop cash getting a celebrity endorsement and then have all sorts of eyeballs checking out your operation.

Michael’s operation started small — just him and his mom packing tea — but because he was prepared to take marketing risks and develop a high-quality product to match, he was able to collapse time and scale fast! Michael’s story is a tale of living the red life for real, from dancing with Beyoncé to shots at the bar with Post Malone, it’s all here. Rudy brings his shrewd business acumen to this party too, bringing it all home for you. All you have to do is take the red pill — and jump!

“I’m a believer in everything. Like radio, it didn’t matter. Put you on the moon? I’ll put you on the moon. You know what I mean? So that’s how I think about brands.” 

 ~ Michael Gonzalez

The first 1000to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE!  - https://m.me/rudymawerlife 

In This Episode:

- How do you make a high-quality product that consumers are willing to pay more for?

- What do you get when you combine ideas, trust, and risk?

- The perfect recipe to kickstart your own business.

- The Pros and Cons of building a brand on a personality.

- Is the celeb shoutout still worth it? 

- Discover the secret to building a successful business!

- How do you cope with anxiety as an entrepreneur?

- On the phone with pirates when they intercept your cargo!

- Living it up at Puff Daddy’s 50th

- What is the value in getting a shoutout from Kim Kardashian?

And more!

Connect with Michael Gonzalez:


The book Michael recommends - Hope and Help for Your Nerves

Fit Tea

Connect with Rudy Mawer:



