EP. 15- STOP! Do This NOW!! Q4 Quick Tips l Jay's Scoop by Guru Events

EP. 15- STOP! Do This NOW!! Q4 Quick Tips l Jay's Scoop

from Do This, NOT That: Marketing Tips with Jay Schwedelson l Presented By Marigold

by Guru Events

Published: Fri Sep 29 2023

Show Notes

In this episode of Do This, NOT That, Jay discusses how your marketing strategy and messaging should shift once October hits to maximize engagement and performance. He provides tips on optimizing content, email marketing, and promotions for the busy Q4 period through tactics like focusing on the upcoming year, leveraging seasonal and holiday-related keywords, and creating 2024calendars.

As we enter October, Jay explains that consumers and business professionals become focused on Q4 and the new year ahead. Their interests and responsiveness shift away from the current year. Jay provides data showing how simply adding "2024"to your content and campaigns lead to a 25-30% boost in engagement. He outlines specific ways to update your marketing assets and messaging to capitalize on this seasonal change.

Main Discussion Points:

  • Don't rely on content and campaigns highlighting "2023"after October 1st - it will drag down engagement. Either remove the year entirely or shift to "2024."
  • Foremail subject lines, holiday and Christmas-related keywords see a 30% higher open rate when used in Q4.
  • Calendars are the top performing content type starting in October through January - consider creating one tailored to your industry or audience.
  • Some examples: local event calendars, industry conference calendars, small business tip calendars, email marketing best practice calendars.
  • Calendars see 40% higher engagement over other content types during Q4.