#4 - Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem, pt. 3 by Darryl Cooper

#4 - Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem, pt. 3

from The Martyr Made Podcast

by Darryl Cooper

Published: Mon Nov 23 2015

Show Notes

Hi everyone. Been a long time. My day job has been downright abusive the last 2-3 months, but we’re back with Episode 4 of Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem. As the Middle Eastern regional order is hammered into place by the Entente powers, Zionism goes underground. Prosperity abroad and security in Palestine make the 1920sa relatively quiet period in this story. It’s been chaos behind us and nothing but chaos in front, but we’re in the eye of the storm. The British try a more inclusive approach toward the Arabs, but as the real effects of the Zionist project begin to be felt, tensions rise until the decade ends as it began… in violence.