I Spent $1,500,000 on Business Gurus… Here’s What I Learned by Dan Martell

I Spent $1,500,000 on Business Gurus… Here’s What I Learned

from The Martell Method w/ Dan Martell

by Dan Martell

Published: Fri May 10 2024

Show Notes

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I’ve spent over $1.5 million on business gurus.

Here’s how I chose to invest my money.

With an avalanche of advice out there, it’s easy to drown in information.

Should you buy a book…

Take a course…

Join a mastermind…

Pay for private coaching?

You have to ask yourself:

How do I invest in something that sequences success and moves the needle forward TODAY?

Because the last thing you want is all this fluff you can’t use.

It’s your time and energy you’re wasting.

The good news is, I’ve laid it all out in this video where I share everything I learned from spending $1.5M on business gurus and if it was all worth it.

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Twitter: @danmartell