Sam Stein and Adrian Carrasquillo: We Are in a Simulation by The Bulwark

Sam Stein and Adrian Carrasquillo: We Are in a Simulation

from The Bulwark Podcast

by The Bulwark

Published: Thu Jan 23 2025

Show Notes

Emotionally-stunted video game boys, who are also government contractors and/or quasi government officials, are fighting on Twitter, a POTUS who went all the way to SCOTUS to get immunity for presidents now would like the last president investigated, and America's premiere scientific research institution, the NIH, can't tell us about the bird flu—a widespread and potentially deadly virus that could mutate into a human pandemic. Meanwhile, the assault on immigration has stepped up, with raids now permitted at churches and schools. And DHS is targeting anyone who can be deported, regardless of whether or not they're a security threat.

Adrian Carrasquillo and Sam Stein join Tim Miller.

show notes