Jon Favreau: Funny and Horrible by The Bulwark

Jon Favreau: Funny and Horrible

from The Bulwark Podcast

by The Bulwark

Published: Fri Dec 20 2024

Show Notes

While it's still going to be bad, for the first time since the election we're beginning to see that we may actually have a little fun watching these idiots prove they don't know how to govern. Meanwhile, we've also got aspiring authoritarians on the left who think they're right at any cost. Plus, the challenge of holding on to American ideals, how to reach low-info voters, Tim's take from Phoenix on TPUSA, and can Tim make Jon cry? And one more Biden critique (that comes toward the end)... Merry Christmas.

Jon Favreau joins Tim Miller.

show notes:

Jon'spiece in The Atlantic
Clip from Stavros Halkias about not voting Trump that Tim referenced
Tim's playlist