Matt Yglesias and Tyler Austin Harper: Popularism v Populism by The Bulwark

Matt Yglesias and Tyler Austin Harper: Popularism v Populism

from The Bulwark Podcast

by The Bulwark

Published: Thu Dec 12 2024

Show Notes

The origins of the Democratic party's current malaise include ineffective messaging on climate and economic policy, too rigid a tent on cultural issues, and Dem politicians just too scared to speak their mind. Like, Kamala could've turned the trans youth in sports convo into one about parents spending boatloads on sports camps so their kids can get into a good college. Plus, Christopher Wray chose the worst option.

Matt Yglesias and Tyler Austin Harper join Tim Miller to hash it out.
show notes:

Tyler'snew piece in The Atlantic

Matt's "Common Sense Manifesto #4" from Slow Boring

Ben Wittes piece in Lawfare on Chris Wray

Bookrecommended by Tyler, "The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America"