Jon Lovett: The Worst People Are Happy
from The Bulwark Podcast
by The Bulwark
Published: Tue Nov 12 2024
Show Notes
The worst people believe their worldview has been validated, while the best people are uncertain, scared, and angry. But we have to stay focused on the menace, including the threat to officials Trump may target for revenge—and the immigrants whose cheap and willing labor helped build our economy.
Jon Lovett joins Tim Miller for a special crosspost with the "Lovett or Leave It" pod.
show notes
Speech by Otto Wels in March 1933
The 'Lovett or Leave It' podcast
Jon Lovett joins Tim Miller for a special crosspost with the "Lovett or Leave It" pod.
show notes
Speech by Otto Wels in March 1933
The 'Lovett or Leave It' podcast