Tom Nichols: This Is What They Want
from The Bulwark Podcast
by The Bulwark
Published: Thu Nov 07 2024
Show Notes
The American people made their choice, and the fight to preserve the global democratic coalition against the global authoritarian movement continues. But maybe letting those voters see unadulterated Trumpism in the White House, without the baby bumpers—at least for a little while—is how we save America. Plus, the price of eggs v fascism, and Trump is going to inherit a great economy and take credit for it.
Tom Nichols joins Tim Miller.
show notes
Tom'smost recent Atlantic Daily newsletter
DerekThompson's piece mentioned by Tim (gifted)
Nick Catoggio's piece
Tom Nichols joins Tim Miller.
show notes
Tom'smost recent Atlantic Daily newsletter
DerekThompson's piece mentioned by Tim (gifted)
Nick Catoggio's piece