Timothy Snyder: The Politics of Impotence
from The Bulwark Podcast
by The Bulwark
Published: Tue Oct 08 2024
Show Notes
Trump and Vance are pioneering a form of politics where American power means nothing, everything is bad, and politicians focus on tearing people down—and getting other Americans to do the same. Plus, the challenge of defining freedom, why conservative Jews are giving Trump a pass on his antisemitism, and a good and insightful poll on the presidential race.
Timothy Snyder joins Tim Miller.
show notes
Snyder'snew book, "On Freedom"
SidneyBlumenthal's piece on Trump's Hitlerian logic
Timothy Snyder joins Tim Miller.
show notes
Snyder'snew book, "On Freedom"
SidneyBlumenthal's piece on Trump's Hitlerian logic