Bill Kristol: Rally Around the Flag
from The Bulwark Podcast
by The Bulwark
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
Show Notes
This is a good moment for Biden to proudly raise the flag right-side up, and share his love of America—even as his Justice Department's prosecution of Hunter gets underway. Meanwhile, the extremism from the country-in-distress crowd continues to be over-the-top, including Felon 45 emboldening vigilante groups to act on his behalf. Bill Kristol joins Tim Miller.
show notes:
ABC News video of WWII vets arriving in France
Otherfootage of US vets at Charles-de-Gaulle Airport
Vetsarriving in Normandy
JamesCarville on Bill Kristol's pod
show notes:
ABC News video of WWII vets arriving in France
Otherfootage of US vets at Charles-de-Gaulle Airport
Vetsarriving in Normandy
JamesCarville on Bill Kristol's pod