Case 114: Elisa Claps & Heather Barnett by Casefile Presents

Case 114: Elisa Claps & Heather Barnett

from Casefile True Crime

by Casefile Presents

Published: Sat Jun 15 2019

Show Notes

When teenager Elisa Claps mysteriously disappears after going to meet a friend in the Southern Italian town of Potenza, all possibilities are explored. Initial suspicions are cast on 21-year-old Danilo Restivo, but when reported sightings of Elisa begin to come in from across Italy and as far away as Albania, the investigative waters are muddied.


Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host

Written by Elsha McGill

Researched by Mike Migas and Paulina Szymanska

For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-114-elisa-claps-heather-barnett