Case 107: Lucie Blackman & Carita Ridgway by Casefile Presents

Case 107: Lucie Blackman & Carita Ridgway

from Casefile True Crime

by Casefile Presents

Published: Sat Feb 23 2019

Show Notes

In early 2001,21-year old Lucie Blackman left her job as a flight attendant for British Airways in search of new adventures. She embarked on a working holiday to Japan, where she secured a job as a hostess at Club Casablanca in Tokyo’s bustling Roppongi district. Lucie struggled with the transition, writing in her diary: “I’m not coping well here. I can’t pull myself out of this hole I’ve fallen into… I just want to disappear.”


Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host

Episode researched and written by Catherine Seccombe

Episode edited by Elsha McGill

For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-107-lucie-blackman-carita-ridgway