Case 106: Peter Nielsen (Part 2) by Casefile Presents

Case 106: Peter Nielsen (Part 2)

from Casefile True Crime

by Casefile Presents

Published: Sat Feb 09 2019

Show Notes

[Part 2 of 2]

After 46-year-old Vitaly Kaloyev loses his entire family in the Überlingen mid-air collision, he becomes consumed by grief. Unable to move on, he pours his energy into finding the air traffic controller he believes is responsible for the death of his wife and children. As Kaloyev discovers whether revenge really is the best medicine, the question emerges – is he a hero or a villain?


Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host

Episode researched and written by Milly Raso
For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-106-peter-nielsen-part-2