Case 76: Silk Road (Part 2) by Casefile Presents

Case 76: Silk Road (Part 2)

from Casefile True Crime

by Casefile Presents

Published: Sat Feb 17 2018

Show Notes

[Part 2 of 3]

As The Silk Road continued to expand, problems started piling up for Ross Ulbricht, AKA The Dread Pirate Roberts. With business booming and concerns that law enforcement were lurking on the site, Ulbricht created an emergency ‘To Do List’ in case he ever came under real danger of getting caught. It read: ‘Encrypt and backup important files on laptop to memory stick; destroy laptop’s hard drive and hide/dispose; destroy phone and hide/dispose; find place to live on Craigslist for cash and create new identity.’


Episode narrated by the Anonymous Host
Researched and written by Victoria Dieffenbacher

For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-76-silk-road-part-2