“The Fourth Turning Is Here: Where America’s Headed Based On History.” - With Jack Posobiec by Turning Point USA

“The Fourth Turning Is Here: Where America’s Headed Based On History.” - With Jack Posobiec

from Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark

by Turning Point USA

Published: Fri Dec 30 2022

Show Notes

Journalist and critical freethinker Jack Posobiec joins Alex Clark to discuss generational theory, and how the last 500 years of American history have prophesied about America’s ominous future. We’re ending the year with this vital episode to talk about the looming presence of The Fourth Turning – what does it mean and where do we go from here? Jack offers bold predictions about World War 3, how our elections will evolve, and what Generation A will be like as adults. Tune in before 2023arriv...